Use the Administrator Organizations screen to add, edit, or delete organizations in the training system.
To add an organization, select the Add Organization button from beneath the main grid:
To edit an organization, click the edit button () in the row for that organization. See Editing Administrator Grid Rows for additional details.
To delete an organization, click the delete button () in the row for that organization. You will be asked to confirm before the deletion occurs.
Note: You cannot delete the default organization specified in "Default Settings" tab of the Global Settings screen. To delete the default organization, you must first choose a different default organization in the Global Settings screen. Similarly, you must have at least one organization in the database.
Note: Deleting an organization also deletes all students (and their data) who are members of that organization.
To add or remove course or class assignments for an organization, select a row in the grid. This displays an "Items associated with:" grid below the main grid. Use the buttons under the "Items associated with:" grid to access the Assign Classes to Organization screen, the Associate Divisions with Organization screen, and the Assign Courses to Organization screen. If there are multiple pages of items, click the numbers underneath the names to jump between pages. The courses that have been assigned via a class, via division directly, or a class assigned to the division are listed for reference but are not directly editable.
After making any changes in the main grid or in any of the detail sub-grids, you must either Save Data or Cancel Changes before you can go to another Administrator screen.
You can click on a column heading to sort by that column. Searching for content depends on the how searching/filtering is configured. See Searching Administrator Grids for more details.
If the grid has multiple "pages" of data, use the paging controls shown below to just to the first, previous, next, or last page of data.
The number of items per page is controlled by the Default Grid Size on the "Default Settings" tab of the Global Settings screen.
To access the Administrator Organizations screen, click the Organizations button on the Administrator toolbar:
This screen is not available to Administrators with 'Supervisor Only' or 'All Levels (Basic)' access.
Assign Classes to Organization screen
Associate Divisions with Organization screen
Assign Courses to Organization screen